Small-Town High School Begins Therapy Dog Program

Story and photo from the Washington County Pilot-Tribune & Enterprise

Ted, a 2-year-old golden retriever-labrodor mix, or "goldendoodle", joined the staff at Blair High School in Nebraska as part of the school's new therapy dog program.

Ted's owner, Blair's special education teacher Monica Maly said she and her family got Ted when he was just four months old. But after seeing his calm demeanor and hearing suggestions from students to bring him to school, Maly began exploring the idea of using Ted as a therapy dog. She started with a basic obedience class. That's when she approached then-BHS principal Tom Anderson, who already had interest in implementing such a program.

Following the obedience class, Ted had to complete the AKC Canine Good Citizen class, a six- to eight-week class that tested him on 10 different scenarios, including being around other dogs, accepting a friendly stranger, walking through a crowd and loose-leash walking.

Maly then applied for Ted to be a part of the Edu-Pup program through Domesti-Pups in Lincoln, Nebraska. He was officially certified in October. That's when he became a regular visitor to BHS, spending two to three days a week in Maly's classroom.

“The kids have started picking up on his schedule,” she said. “He's off leash. He can go roam at his pleasure.”

Ted has a calming effect on students in Maly's classes, particularly to those who face anxiety issues. Sophomore Heather Gaver said Ted knows when students are feeling down.

“If there's just a day I'm struggling, he just kind of walks by and sits there and wants to be petted,” she said. “Today has been a little bit of hard day and he walked by and just gave me kisses.”

Ted also offers some relief during what has been a very stressful year due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“He has offered a point of physical touch and a friend that will come sit by your desk and be part of your group,” Maly said. “I think it's just been a great thing this year because it's way out of normal and no one could even imagine. But having him has helped them have something positive through this whole thing.”

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