Seven-Year-Old Swims for an Hour to Get Help For Family Stranded in River

Story and photograph from WJXT

Steven Poust of Jacksonville, Florida anchored his boat on the St. Johns River to let his two children, Chase, 7, and Abigail, 4, swim, on Friday.

All of a sudden, Abigail, who usually hangs out at the back of the boat, had to let go because the current was so strong, Chase said.

The 7-year-old decided to also let go in order to try to keep her from drifting, but then he was stuck.

Poust jumped in to try and help them, and told Chase to swim to shore while he tried to reach his daughter, who was wearing a life jacket.

"I told them I loved him because I wasn't sure what's going to happen," Poust said. "I tried to stick with both of them. I wore myself out. She drifted away from me."

It took Chase an hour to get to shore. He told the local news network that he floated on his back and doggie paddled so he wouldn't get worn out. When he reached land he ran to the nearest house for help.

Meanwhile, his dad and sister drifted about a mile and a half to two miles away from the boat's location, according to the Jacksonville Fire and Rescue Department (JFRD).

Chase made it to shore after an hour while his dad and sister were stuck in the water for an hour longer before being rescued by Jacksonville firefighters -- more than a mile away from the boat.

Chase said once he reached shore, he ran to the nearest home to knock for help.

“I screamed for help at the top of my lungs and waved my arms and sure enough someone heard us,” Poust said. “Little man also made it to shore and got help and that’s what saved our lives.”

Read more, and see the video interview, here!