Pokémon Happy Meals Help Feed The Homeless

Story and photo from 1011 Now

Ryan, a Lincoln, Nebraska man wanted to get his girlfriend Pokémon cards for their anniversary, and found out he could get them in McDonald’s Happy Meals. So, he took this as an opportunity to feed hundreds of people at the People’s City Mission, a local shelter.

“That’s never happened before,” said Pastor Tom, the CEO of the People’s City Mission. “I’ve been here 17 years and I’ve never had anyone give us 250 Happy Meals... I didn’t know quite what to think.”

Ryan dropped off 150 Happy Meals for people at the Mission. On top of that, one of his friends donated 100 more on Friday.

Tony Tyma stayed at the Mission and said he’s never had a Happy Meal in his life until this week. Now, it’ll always have a special place in his heart.

Due to the cold weather, the City Mission has more people staying there than usual. Pastor Tom said there’s an extra 43 guys staying at the mission and the community’s help is a big benefit.

“I know that their attitudes just went up so it was a great joy to them and just to know someone cares and that they could celebrate.”

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