Community Around The Holidays

From Amy Lynn:

When you are looking around at the good things in life to find a little nugget to uplift your soul,  look no further to the wonders of groups on your favorite social media sites — especially around the holidays. Recently, while browsing through one app, I saw a post that started with, “What it is all about…,” a post in which people shared what they needed and couldn’t afford. What proceeded was about 325+ comments about items, stuff, and compliments from everyone wanting to help! From treadmills, to sweaters, to strollers, to cars, the list went on. Everyone was so nice, helpful, and showed a real sense of community to help the greater good of their neighbors.  There are many things to be said about social media and the lack of empathy it shows us, however this story is all about the good stuff.  keep loving one another. Help your neighbors. Be that smile someone needed to see today.