2020 Is Almost Over

From the editor; KB:

Here it is, December 27th. 2020 is almost over. For some, 2020 will always hold memories of those lost to a pandemic, visions of a nation struggling with trying to live up to the words of our forefathers in the Bill of Rights, the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution, living with changes that none of us foresaw. Some are hungry now for the first time in their lives, having lost a job they had done well for years. Others face eviction from their homes, from the places where their families grew up and where their kids could always come back to. Home.

The list could go on and on. 2020 will stir emotions that are deeply personal, and those will be with us all for the rest of our lives. It is so easy to see all of the turmoil and sadness around us right now.  We could forever look at 2020 and not see much good, but the truth is that memories of 2020 should also include the positive things we all saw. Some saw it in the medical staff that cared for people when they were sick, we saw it in people that stood up and helped in their community by making masks or sharing a meal, we saw it in the small businesses that are trying so hard to stay in business, and we saw it in ways that are unique to each of us.

Positivenews.press is asking all of you to think about the good things from 2020. Share them if you like and we will share them with others.  Think about the good things around you as 2020 comes to an end and include them in your memories of this year, if only in an effort to be fair to a year that we will never forget.

Here's to a bright future and a willingness to see the positive news around us every day and share it with others.